7 Prayers to Get Married Soon [With Scriptures]

If you are going to wait for marriage, the feeling can quickly become overwhelming. We all desire to find the right partner and start a family. But the feelings for it can make us sad. This is why you will join us to say powerful prayers to get married soon to someone God desires for you.

The Bible says, “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). With faith, we can pray for God’s blessings as we try to get the desire of marriage into fulfillment.

7 Prayers to Get Married Soon

We will say just 7 prayers. Alongside these prayers will be Scriptural references to places in the Bible where we have God’s promises in our lives. Say these prayers:

1. A Powerful Prayer to Get Married Soon

Our Father in Heaven,

I long to be joined with the one You have chosen for me in marriage. I also believe that You have a good plan for me. As such, I am praying for Your guidance as I walk this path to marriage.

Please, let my heart be open to Your will, and guide me to the partner You have prepared for me. Father, I pray that You remove any delays, and may Your time be perfect in bringing us together.

Proverbs 18:22 says, “He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the Lord.” So is finding a husband, and I claim this promise over my life. Let Your favor be upon me as I look for a compatible spouse.

Grant me patience while I wait and the ability to trust in Your plan for me. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

2. Prayer for Personal Preparation

Dear God,

I need Your help. I need You to help prepare me for the covenant of marriage. Help me to grow in character, wisdom, and love, so that I can be a blessing to my potential spouse. I pray for You to teach me to be patient, kind, and understanding. Let me focus on becoming mature, and ready to embrace the responsibilities that come with marriage.

As I prepare, Dear God, may Your grace guide my decisions. Help me to build a strong foundation in You, so that my marriage will be built on Your power. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3. Prayer for God’s Timing and Will


I long for marriage, but I understand that Your TIME is different from mine. Please help me to trust You, and be aware that You see the whole picture of my life. Ecclesiastes 3:1 reminds me that “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.” Help me to embrace the season I am in right now, and know that You are working all things for my good.

I pray for you to Grant me peace as I wait on Your time. Let me not be anxious or impatient, but rather, may I find joy in the present moment. Dear God, be in control.

I pray for Your will to be done in my life. Align my heart with Yours, and guide me in every step of this journey toward marriage. Help me to trust that Your plans are better than anything I could imagine.

For as it says in Proverbs 3:5, I trust in the Lord with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding, but on You, O Lord. I place my trust in You and pray that You answer my prayer. May the Lord be worshipped now and forevermore. Amen.

4. Prayer for Discernment in Choosing a Life Partner


Please, give me wisdom. I want to be able to discern as I search for a life partner. Help me identify the qualities that matter, and guide me to someone who shares my values and faith.

Lord, I want to be protected from making decisions based on fleeting emotions or external appearances. Let my heart be in tune with Your guidance, and help me to choose someone who will complement and support me in my walk with You.

I believe in You to lead me in this important decision. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

5. Prayer for Healing from Past Hurts

Heavenly Father,

My heart carries pain from past relationships. I know that these wounds can affect my future, so I ask for Your healing touch to mend my broken heart. Help me to release any bitterness or regret that still lingers within me. I don’t want those experiences to hold me back or cloud my judgment in finding the right partner. Please cleanse my heart and renew my spirit so that I can enter into a new relationship without unnecessary worries.

“Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me” (Psalm 51:10). I ask for Your grace to help me forgive those who have hurt me, and to also forgive myself for any mistakes I have made. May Your healing bring me peace and wholeness. May it prepare me for the love You have planned for my future. I pray in the Holy name of Christ Jesus. Amen.

6. Prayer for Protection of the Relationship

“The Lord is faithful, and he will strengthen you and protect you from the evil one” (2 Thessalonians 3:3).


When I enter a relationship, I pray for Your protection over it. Shield me and my partner from any misunderstanding or external influence that could disrupt what we are building together.

I pray for the strength to overcome challenges, and the wisdom to handle conflicts with respect. Help us to grow closer to You and to each other as I hope to grow our relationship in faith and truth.

Guide us in setting healthy boundaries and maintaining a strong commitment to purity and integrity. Let our relationship be a testimony of Your grace and love.

I ask for this promise to be fulfilled in our lives. May our love for each other reflect Your love for us. Amen.

7. Prayer for Blessing over Marriage and Future Family

Dear God,

I look forward to the marriage You have prepared for me, and pray for Your blessings over every aspect of it. I pray that You will be at the center of our union. May our marriage reflect Your love, and be built on a foundation of trust, respect, and mutual support.

Help us to communicate openly and honestly with each other, always seeking to understand and uplift one another. Let our home be a place of peace, joy, and love, where Your presence is felt every day.

I also pray for our future family. Lord, bless us with children if it is Your will, and help us to raise them in Your ways. Let our family be united in love and faith.

Teach us to lead by example, and help our children see the beauty of living a life dedicated to You.

It is written in Psalm 127:1, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain.” Father, I acknowledge that we cannot build a strong marriage or family on our own; we need Your help every step of the way. May my marriage run on Your wisdom and survive under Your control.

Also, bless our marriage with good health, financial stability, and the strength to overcome any difficulties. Protect us from any harm or temptation that could threaten our relationship or family. Let our love for each other grow stronger with each passing day, and may we always find joy in being together.

I also ask that You surround our marriage and family with supportive friends and community who will encourage us in our journey together. Let us be a blessing to others in any way possible.

I pray for Your blessings to overflow in our marriage and family, and may we always give You the glory for all that You do in our lives.

In Jesus’ name.


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