Catholic Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace

Life’s journey is like a beautiful woven tapestry, filled with moments of joy, love, and friendship, but it’s not perfect. One of the hardest things we face is when someone we love leaves us too soon, leaving an empty space in our hearts. It’s tough to accept that they won’t be with us to grow and learn together, making us more compassionate people.

In these times of grief, we look for comfort and hope that they find eternal peace. In the Catholic faith, we find comfort in praying for the departed souls and their families. It’s a way to show our love and support beyond this life and into the next.

If you’re not sure how to say a final goodbye prayer, don’t worry; I’ll help you through it. We’ll learn how to offer a short yet meaningful prayer for our loved ones who have passed on; a Catholic prayer for the soul to rest in peace

Let’s find strength in the power of prayer and the unbreakable bond that connects us even beyond life and death. Together, we can honor their memory with love and remembrance.

Catholic Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace

Catholic prayer for the soul to rest in peace

In the Catholic Church, there’s a beautiful prayer for those who have passed away to rest in peace. It’s called the “Eternal Rest” prayer, and it’s meant to bring comfort and peace to the departed souls. Let’s take a closer look at the meaning and significance of this heartfelt prayer:

The Eternal Rest Prayer

This prayer, also known as Requiem aeternam, is a special part of Western Christian tradition. It’s a way for us to ask God to help the souls of the faithful departed find their place in Heaven. We also seek for those souls already in Paradise to rest in God’s love until the final resurrection and last judgment.

The words of the prayer are powerful and comforting. They remind us to wait for God’s solace and rewards, with the promise of eternal light shining upon us.

It goes thus:

Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace.


This Catholic prayer for the soul to rest in peace is so touching because it shows our sincere plea to God for the peaceful rest of those who have left this world.

Its eloquence lies in its simplicity, and its significance lies in the belief that through our supplications, we can offer comfort to those who have passed on.

When to Say the Prayer

While prayer can be personal, there are specific times when we say the “Eternal Rest” prayer together as a community. These occasions deepen our spiritual connection and show our love for those who have passed away:

  1. Funeral Masses When we say our final goodbye to someone during a Catholic funeral, the “Eternal Rest” prayer resonates through the hallowed halls of the church, uniting mourners in their collective grief and hope.
  2. All Souls’ Day. The Catholic calendar reserves November 2nd as All Souls’ Day, a day of remembrance for the departed. On this solemn occasion, the faithful gather to offer prayers and seek solace for their departed loved ones.
  3. Anniversaries of Death. The memories of our loved ones stay in our hearts even after they are gone. On the anniversary of their passing, many families choose to say the “Eternal Rest” prayer as a way to honor and remember them.

With that being said, now I’d like to share some Catholic prayers for the soul to rest in peace:

  1. Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace

I pray for eternal rest for them, dear Lord, and may your love’s light shine upon them forever. May all the faithful departed, including them, find peace through your mercy. Amen.

Just as a seed is buried in the ground and brings forth a bountiful harvest, you have blessed us with the gift of eternal life. Help us let go of sin and always stay connected to you. Amen.

During tough and uncertain times, we must lean on your goodness and seek divine guidance through prayer in our daily lives. We trust in you, for you are always there for us.

Bible Verse: Psalm 116:15 (NIV)

“Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his faithful servants.”

  1. Prayers at the Graveside

Lord Jesus Christ, through your own resurrection after three days in the tomb,

You sanctified the resting places of all who believe in You, making the grave a sign of hope, promising resurrection,

Even as it claims our mortal bodies.

Grant that our brother/sister (name of the deceased), may rest here in peace until You awaken them to glory,

For You are the resurrection and the life.

In Your light, they will see light and know the splendor of God,

For You live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

O God, by Your merciful grace, the faithful departed find rest,

Send Your holy Angel to watch over this grave.

Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bible Verse: John 11:25-26 (NIV)

“Jesus said to her, ‘I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?'”

  1. Prayer for the Death of a Loved One

Oh Jesus, in times of eternal pain, the only solace we find is in You, the source of comfort amidst the immense emptiness that death brings to our grieving hearts.

You, who shed tears on sorrowful days;

You, who wept for the loss of a dear friend;

You, compassionate Lord, who understood the anguish of a grieving household and hearts filled with inconsolable cries;

Loving Father, have mercy on our tears.

See our tears, Lord, as the expression of our aching souls, mourning the loss of our dear relative, faithful friend, and fervent Christian.

See them as a heartfelt offering for their soul, that You may purify them with Your Precious Blood and welcome them to heaven, if they have not yet found peace with You.

Look upon our tears, Lord, and grant us strength, patience, and acceptance of Your divine will during this painful trial that tortures our souls.

Oh sweet, most loving Jesus, look upon our tears, and reunite us with our loved ones in heaven, where we will be eternally united with You in Your Heart. Amen.

Bible Verse: Psalm 56:8 (NIV)

“You keep track of all my sorrows. You have collected all my tears in your bottle. You have recorded each one in your book.”

  1. Prayer for a Deceased Parent, Son, or Daughter

Heavenly Father, we ask for strength and faith as we cope with the loss of our dear (mention the name of the deceased). We know they have joined Your kingdom, embraced by Your kind hand.

Even though we may not fully understand Your plan, we trust Your perfect timing and accept the sadness in our hearts. Time and faith will help heal us, but we will always cherish the loving memories.

Please forgive any mistakes the departed may have made. Purify their soul and guide them to eternal life with You in heaven.

Let them rest in peace, O Lord, and let Your light shine upon them. (repeat 3 times)

Bible Verse: Psalm 25:6-7 (NIV)

“Remember, Lord, your great mercy and love, for they are from of old. Do not remember the sins of my youth and my rebellious ways; according to your love remember me, for you, Lord, are good.”

  1. Prayer for the Deceased to Find Rest

Dear Holy Father, Almighty God, we pray for (the name of the deceased) who has passed away.

Grant them happiness, light, and peace. May they find eternal light with the saints, just as You promised to Abraham and his descendants.

May their soul find rest and be resurrected with the saints on the day of reward.

Please forgive their sins and cleanse them, so they may find eternal life in Your kingdom.

Through Your Son, Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Let them rest in peace, O Lord, and let Your light shine upon them. (repeat 3 times)

Bible Verse: Matthew 11:28 (NIV)

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

  1. Prayer for the Deceased to be in Glory

O Lord, lend Your ear to our prayers in which we beseech You, in Your mercy to welcome into the realm of peace and light the soul of Your servant (name of the deceased) whom You have called from this world, and let him (her) be associated with the glory of Your sins in Heaven, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Bible Verse: Psalm 73:24 (NIV)

“You guide me with your counsel, and afterward, you will take me into glory.”

  1. Prayer for Deceased Parents

Dear God, You taught us to honor and respect our parents. I pray for my father/mother/parents who have passed away. Please have mercy on them and forgive any wrongdoings they may have had. May we be reunited in eternal life someday. I offer this prayer in the name of Christ our Lord. Amen.

Let them rest in peace, O Lord, and let Your light shine upon them. (repeat 3 times)

Bible Verse: Exodus 20:12 (NIV)

“Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live long in the land the Lord your God is giving you.”

  1. Prayer for a Deceased Loved One

Dear Heavenly Father, from the depths of our wounded hearts, we seek strength and faith to endure the great pain caused by the departure of our beloved (mention the name of the deceased). We know they have been called to Your heavenly kingdom, embraced by Your kind hand.

Your timing is perfect, even if we cannot fully comprehend Your plan. We trust that (name of the deceased) fulfilled their purpose in life, and now You needed them by Your side. Though sadness accompanies this loss, we lovingly submit to Your Will. Time, along with our faith in You, will help heal the wounds, but we will forever cherish the memories of our beloved.

We ask for forgiveness for any shortcomings (name of the deceased) may have had. Purify their soul and guide them to eternal life with You in Your heavenly kingdom.

Our Father and a Hail Mary.

Eternal rest grant to him/her/them, O Lord, and let Your light shine upon him/her/them. (repeat 3 times)

Bible Verse: Psalm 34:18 (NIV)

“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”

How do Catholics say rest in peace?

In the world of Roman Catholic tradition, there’s a Latin blessing called “Requiescat in pace,” which means “may he begin to rest in peace.” It’s a way of expressing the wish for eternal rest and peace for someone who has passed away. You might have seen it abbreviated as R.I.P. on gravestones.

Originally, the phrase was to ensure that the souls of the departed find peace in the afterlife.

In the well-known saying “Rest in peace,” the “-at” ending fits because the verb is like saying “May he or she rest in peace.” It’s used in a hopeful way, wishing for someone’s peace.


The history of “Requiescat in pace” dates back to the eighth century when it started appearing on tombstones. Over time, it became a common practice, particularly among Roman Catholics. They believed strongly in the soul and life after death, so the phrase was a request for the departed soul to find peace in the afterlife.

As the phrase spread, some people began to interpret it differently. Since it doesn’t explicitly mention the soul, some thought it referred to the physical body resting peacefully in the grave. Nowadays, it can be understood in both ways, depending on the context and beliefs of the person using it.

Frequently Asked Questions on Catholic Prayer for the Soul to Rest in Peace

What Catholic prayer to say when someone dies?

“Dear Lord, please hear our prayers as we ask for Your mercy. Welcome into the realm of peace and light the soul of Your servant [Name], whom You have called from this world. May [he/she] find glory in Heaven, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.”

What are the Catholic words of comfort after death?

“Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted” (Matthew 5:4)

“My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever” (Psalm 73:26)

“The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit” (Psalm 34:18)

What is the Catholic eternal rest prayer?

“Eternal rest, grant unto him/her/them, O LORD, and let perpetual light shine upon him/her/them.”