A Prayer of Blessing for a Loving Sister

It’s perfectly fine to pray to God to bless your sister. That doesn’t make God a machine you trigger, and we use the story of Moses to demonstrate it. As humans, we are generally blessed. God is the good Father who blesses his children out of love. Now, in chapter 12 of Numbers is the story of Miriam, Moses’ sister. She was struck with leprosy as a punishment for speaking against God’s chosen leader. However, instead of abandoning her, Moses cried out to God, “Heal her now, God, I beg you!” (Numbers 12:13). God showed mercy, and Miriam was healed.

This is the power of intercession and how deeply God loves us as His children. The same way Moses prayed for his sister is the same way we will pray for blessings for a loving sister. Also, be reminded that God desires for us to flourish in every aspect of our lives.

Prayer of Blessing for Sister

A man in church praying for his sister

Let’s pray with Bible verses.

1. Prayer for Sister’s Protection from Harm

Oh God,

This world we are living in is a wild West, and my gentle sister just wants to live happily. Therefore, I am here asking for your protection over my sister. You made a promise in Psalm 91:4 that you “will cover [us] with [your] feathers, and under [your] wings [we] will find refuge; [your] faithfulness will be [our] shield and rampart”. Now, this is why I ask that you would cover my loving sister with your love. Please, protect her from all danger. Keep her safe from harm and evil because she means a world to me, and I know you care.

I don’t want the plans of the wicked and the schemes of the enemy to prosper in her dear life. Surround her with your Heavenly presence and keep her in your sight. I pray that you would be her fortress, her God in whom she trusts.

As she goes out and as she comes in, in the morning and at night, in all her ways and in every circumstance, please be with her. Your protection right now is her only shield and defense.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

2. Oh Lord, Please Guide my sister wherever she finds herself

Dear Lord Jesus,

This is your promise in Proverbs 3:5-6:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.

I am not in any way forcing a blessing from you to my sister as if you’re a genie because I know that in Christ we are all blessed. However, I am praying to you as a child that you would guide my sister in all her endeavors. We all need you all the time.

Please help her to follow your path. She also needs your Divine wisdom as she struggles through life and its challenges. She needs you when making decisions because only you can help her thread wisely. I call on your Holy Spirit to be her lead and counsel. She is meek, and I pray that she will be sensitive to your still, small voice.

Guide her in whatsoever she looks into, be it her relationships, work, or finances. Show her the way to go. But at the same time, help her rely on your goodness. May my dear sister be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, bearing fruit in season. In Jesus’ name.


3. Prayer for Good Health Because It’s Wealth

Our Father,

My sister may have her own problems but, of course, she won’t tell me everything. Therefore, I am including this prayer of healing asking you to put your healing hands on my sister. Didn’t you promise in Jeremiah 30:17 to restore our health? It says, “But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds, declares the Lord.”

Therefore, father, please heal any hurts, calm any fears, and give my dear sister fullness of life.

I want you, oh Lord, to reach down and touch, including her body, mind, and spirit. She needs wholeness and wellness to function. If she is struggling with physical pain or illness, I pray that you would bring her relief. If it is emotional or mental struggles, please bring her peace. I want your healing power to flow through her and restore her to the fullness of life you have promised.

Make her be like the psalmist who declared:

Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits—who forgives all your sins and heals all your diseases.


4. A Cry for my sister’s Spiritual Growth and strength

Dear God,

We might look strong physically but in the spirit, we are weak and vulnerable without you. There is my sister, and I want you to strengthen her spiritual life.

May she witness maturity in spiritual growth in line with 2 Peter 3:18, which says, “Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and forever! Amen.”

Help my sis grow in her faith and may her relationship with you wax strong. I would also love to see my sis deepen her roots in your love. May she have the ability to bear fruit for your kingdom.

Enrich her with thirst for your Word, and fill her up with your Holy Spirit. Most importantly, dear Lord, give her reasons to rely on your goodness. May she be transformed by the renewing of her mind, and conforming to the image of Christ.


5. Prayer for my sister’s Relationships and love life

Our Lord Jesus,

This blessing I ask for is one of harmony in my sister’s relationships with people with her partner, family members, or at work. Please help her to build strong connections with her family, friends, and community. She also needs wisdom to understand complex relationships and know how to resolve difficult situations without drama.

You taught us in John 13:34-35 that “a new command [you] give [us]: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples if you love one another.” On this ground, I pray that you would pour out your love upon my sister’s relationships with people whom she may encounter.

Make her a peacemaker, a reconciler, and a source of comfort. May she be seen as an encouragement by those around her. Her relationships should be marked by forgiveness, patience, and kindness. Dear Go, help her to also be quick to listen and slow to speak, and understand and respect others. Her love for other people should represent your love for all.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

6. Give her a sense of purpose and direction, oh Lord

Our Father,

Please, help this lovely sister of mine discover her gifts, and use them for your glory. As she works hard to fulfill her calling, may she be confident in the plans you have for her. It is written in Ephesians 2:10, “For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.” I pray for you to reveal to my sis your good works prepared just for her.

It’s a competitive world we live in today, Father. She needs your wisdom in making decisions. But most of all, she needs help to always follow your will.

May her purpose and direction be rooted in your grace, and may you be a light in the darkness, shining your redemption all around her. Bless my sister to be a blessing to her family, community, and world at large. Amen.

7. Prayer for Sister’s life to be filled with PEACE

Lord Jesus,

Please help her to trust in your goodness and rest in your sovereignty. May she be like a child who depends on your trust for care. “Until now you have asked nothing in my name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full,” (John 16:24). Since you have granted me the permission to ask, I ask that you would fill my sister with joy. Let this joy overflow from her heart, whether it has to do with her finances, her job, her relationship, or anything at all that may be bothering her. Make my sis a fountain of blessing to all those around her with your grace. Fill her heart with peace, even in the midst of uncertainty. I also pray for your peace to protect her heart and make her a peacemaker who spreads your love to everyone around her.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

God, we already know that you are a good Father who blesses His children because of love. Please, bless this sister because you have commanded us to ask and it shall be given. We ask and believe that you will answer this prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen!

Read Also: Prayer to Break Generational Poverty