Breakthrough Prayer to Get a Job You Applied For

One thing many job applicants do not know is that prayer can impact outcomes. And so, some completely ignore the importance of going in prayer to get a job they applied for. Didn’t God command us to ask and it shall be given? If we go to the book of Genesis 41:39-40, we will find the story of Joseph, a victim of circumstance who found himself in Egypt, a foreign land. Despite being sold into slavery by his own brothers, Joseph trusted in God’s plan. As a result, his faith rose him from a slave to a trusted advisor to Pharaoh.

It’s an interesting story but not just any story. Joseph’s story is one we can draw inspiration from when praying to get a job we applied for. You have to trust that God is working behind the scenes to bring us to our promised land – a place of purpose, provision, and fulfillment.

Now, with prayer and faith, your trust in God’s goodness will secure you this job you have applied for, and even with better benefits than you had planned.

Prayer to Get a Job You Applied For

Woman finally gets a job after prayer

Whether this is your first time or your umpteenth, it won’t matter because it’s a guarantee this time that when you are done praying this prayer, God will make sure you are employed. It is divided into 7 sub-prayers with biblical instances that will inspire us.

1. A Prayer to Get a Job in My Field

Our Father,

How great thou art. I have been searching for a job, and have seen one. Now, I want the job I have applied for to fit me into my field, where I have the expertise to showcase my skills and also bring glory to your name.

I remember that the Israelites wandered in the wilderness in search of the Promised Land. I wandered for a job in my field, now I have applied for one. Dear God, please, my prayer is that You will lead me to the right opportunities. You led Joseph to Egypt, and I pray and trust in Your sovereignty, knowing that You have a plan to prosper and not harm me (Jeremiah 29:11).

As I have searched online and networked with others, give me the wisdom to identify the right fit. May my resume and cover letter be a testament to my faith and skills, and may they open doors for me to share Your grace with others.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


2. A Prayer for Wisdom to Understand the Hiring Company

Dear God,

I am doing my best to make sure that this company is the best fit for me, and also into dealings that honor Your name. I hereby pray for Your wisdom to understand this company’s culture and values so that they may see me as a good fit. Solomon did pray for wisdom to lead Your people (1 Kings 3:5-14). In my case, I pray for wisdom to discern whether this company is one for me.

Heavenly Father, help me see beyond the surface level. I want to understand this company’s mission, vision, and values. Give me the ability to ask the right questions and find out the right information. For in Acts 17:10-12, the Bereans searched the Scriptures to verify the truth. Guide me, oh Lord. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

3. Let My Resume Be What They Are Looking For

Dear Heavenly Father,

I prepared and submitted my resume for this job application. I ask that my words and formatting be just what they are looking for.

I tried my best to tailor the resume to the job description, using keywords that highlight my strengths and qualifications. May my resume be a testament to Your faithfulness in my life, and may it stand out to the hiring manager.

Dear God, You formed me in my mother’s womb (Psalm 139:13-14), please make my resume into a powerful tool. It should open this door for me to serve You and others.


4. Prayer for My Cover Letter to Be the Right Fit

Heavenly Father,

I have written my cover letter, and I ask that my words and creativity be welcome in this job application. In Psalm 23, didn’t David write psalms that still inspire us today? Please, also help my cover letter tell a compelling story about my skills, experience, and passion that suit this job.

I pray that my cover letter connects my resume to the hiring manager’s heart. Let it show them how I can contribute to this company’s mission and vision. Let it communicate my value and enthusiasm in a way that resonates with the reader. I pray this prayer to get a job I had applied for, and I trust that you are with me now and forevermore.


5. Heavenly Intervention While Reviewing My Application

The Almighty,

As my application is being reviewed, all I ask for right now is Your divine intervention. Remember Exodus 14:13-31, You parted the Red Sea to make a way for Your people. I am also praying that you part the waves of applications and allow my qualifications to attract the hiring manager. Help them to see beyond the paper that I have the skills you have placed within me. You were with Daniel in the lions’ den (Daniel 6:1-28), so please be with me in this process, until my application is reviewed and accepted.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

6. Let Heaven Prepare Me for the Interview

Dear Father,

As part of the application process for this job, I need you to prepare me for the interview. I pray that You prepare me for the moment, and equip me with wisdom because Esther 4:14-16 says that You prepared Esther for her royal appointment. I want to be able to present myself with confidence before those who will question my abilities.

Father, I need your help to reflect on my skills and experiences. Help me to articulate them, and most importantly, every decision I make on the way to the interview should honor You. Give me the wisdom to understand the role and the company’s needs, and to ask quality questions.

If the interview is virtual, I need your help to use the technology. I should also be able to convey my enthusiasm through the screen. Please, make my tone, body language, and words a testament to Your grace in my life. I believe in Your presence to be my confidence and my peace.


7. Prayer to Follow Up with the Job You Applied for and Get it

Almighty God,

As I wait to hear back about my application status, help me to be patient and follow up with any requirements. Joseph waited for his moment to reveal himself to his brothers (Genesis 45:1-15). Help me to also wait for the right moment, and to properly follow up on my application.

Dear God, give me wisdom as I reach out to the hiring manager, that my email or phone call may be a gentle reminder of my interest in the position. Let my follow-up be a testament to my professionalism, and may it open doors for further conversation and opportunity.g Please, guide me through this process, and may Your presence be my strength.

I pray in Jesus’ name.


For as long as you have introduced God into this campaign, this job is yours to get. However, remember that, sometimes, God has a different plan and time. But generally, the job is yours in His name, and no form of workplace manipulation or misconduct on the side of the management will take your qualified name off the list of employed names. In all we do, let us believe in God because all we have to do is ask for him to give, though sometimes, he brings good things our way to reward us without even praying about it.

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