Powerful Prayer for Business Sales and More Customers

We can record business sales speaking to God through Christ. Let’s use Isaac’s business success in Genesis 26:12-14 as an example. We are told:

Isaac planted crops in that land and the same year reaped a hundredfold, because the Lord blessed him. The man became rich, and his wealth continued to grow until he became very wealthy. He had so many flocks and herds and servants that the Philistines envied him.

This is the type of business sales we are looking forward to. But Note that Isaac’s business success was due to prayerful relationship with God and not ONLY his hard work. He had learned from his father Abraham the importance of serving God in all aspects of life, including business.

Just like Isaac, we too can establish a business that attracts sales from all the Cardinals. People work hard, yet see little to no results. But with God, your efforts will draw more and more customers, and even make sure old ones return.

Prayer for Business Sales

Business owner praying for customers and sales

You HAVE to pray this prayer at your business premises. If you are not close to it right now, that’s okay. What you have to do is visualize it. You can also pick up and hold any item that is related to your business. Let’s pray.

1. Bless me with New Products that’ll attract customers

My Father,

You have taught us in your word that “all hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty” (Proverbs 14:23). I am willing to put in the hard work, but I also need your blessing in my business.

Help me to identify new complementary products that will attract and retain customers. Give me wisdom to know what products will align with my existing catalog and meet the needs of my customers. Isaac’s wealth was a result of your blessing, and I pray for new products in my business that will bring growth.

Thank you for I know you have listened to my prayer. In Jesus’ name.


2. Oh Lord, remind my Customers to Refer my business

Dear God,

I thank you for all the customers you have brought to my business. Now, I want to be a blessing to my customers. I want to unlock the code of providing them with outstanding service, so they will be encouraged to refer me to their friends and family.

Remind my customers of any positive experience they have had with my business and prompt them to share it with others. Help me to create a referral system that will incentivize them to bring me more business. You have said in Galatians 6:9, “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” I will continue to serve my customers with trust that you will bring more customers my way.

Thank you for your faithfulness to me. Amen.

3. Blessings Prayer to Offer discounts to New and returning Customers


It’s business, and I know that discounts can entice customers to buy from me, especially the new ones. Everyone loves a cheaper deal. Right now, Father, bless me to structure my discount without losing money. I want to be able to offer a discount on a minimum purchase amount, which means customers must buy up to a certain amount before qualifying for the discount. Help me know what offer I can give to customers that they can’t refuse so I can turn them into paying customers.

All I ask, dear God, is that I unlock a rewarding method to structure my discounts for it to be profitable and sustainable. I don’t want to lose but rather gain money. Please, be a blessing to my customers, and make my business reflect your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

4. Help me, oh Heavens to Re-market to Old Customers

Our Father,

If I’m not re-marketing to my old customers, I might be missing out on an opportunity to get more business. Please, help me collect data from my customers and store it in a secure place where I can easily use it to contact them. I want to be creative with whatever strategy I put in place. Whether it’s to offer a discount, inform them about new stock, or even provide them with tips related to my product, Father I should be able to convince them that they need it.

Some customers find email or SMS annoying, but let this not be my own case. You have taught us “do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it” (Hebrews 13:2). I want to re-market to my old customers, not just to get more business, but to show them that I value their patronage.

Bless me, oh God, with creativity to know how to re-market to them without being annoying. I pray in Jesus’ name.


5. Prayer to make good use of my Partnerships

Dear God,

If there are any business owners out there who can complement what I sell, lead me to them to create a campaign that will benefit us both! Give me a type of Partnership that’ll open my business up to an audience that will help me make sales.

For example, if I make sandwiches, then I should be able to partner with a business that makes drinks and have a campaign together. Did You not teach us believers that “two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor”? You did in Ecclesiastes 4:9.

Please, find me the perfect business partner that’ll complement mine. Such a business should share my values, and most importantly fear your name. May my partnerships represent your sense of unity and be a blessing to my partners and customers.


6. Help my Customer Service to ALWAYS Listen to my customers

Our Father in Heaven,

I know if I patronized a business that won’t treat me well, I likely wouldn’t return there. The same thing applies to those customers who bring me sales. Therefore, without good customer service, customers won’t return.

Dear God, please give me wisdom to turn my customers into loyal fans of my business. Make Satisfied customers spread the word to others looking for what I offer. Bring me even more business. I want to treat my customers with love, respect, and excellent service, just as you have treated me.

May I also develop a listening ear to my customers’ concerns. Give me patience, oh Lord! Let my customer service represent your love and faithfulness to me. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.

7. Help me, Oh God, to receive and publish positive Reviews only

Oh Lord,

I know that many potential customers check reviews about my business before buying from me, particularly now that more people are skeptical about paying before delivery. Help me remember to gather positive reviews and publish them regularly.

But Good reviews won’t come without offering an excellent service. Lord, make my business excellent enough to earn me positive reviews.

Negative reviews will also come—this I know. I need your wisdom to know how to handle them, and to turn them into attractive opportunities. Let my business be known for its excellence and bring me a good name.

Proverbs 22:1 says that “a good name is to be chosen rather than great riches.” I believe that you can help me with ideas to build a good name. I worship You, dear God. Thank you as you guide me, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

8. A Powerful Prayer to know what your Competitors are doing

Heavenly Provider,

I pray for you to help me stay ahead in the market. Help me to be attentive to the social media posts of my competitors and see what they are doing that is attracting sales. I should be able to analyze their marketing campaigns and know what works and what doesn’t. If necessary, Father, link me up to try doing business with them to see how they operate.

You know I need this valuable insight into what they’re doing well so I can replicate that and stay in business.

Also, let me know exactly how to create better content that will bring more sales and retain customers. You have taught us that “iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another” in Proverbs 27:17, and I want to rely on the strength of my competitors to improve mine.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

9. Blessings Prayer for creating a unique Loyalty program

Dear God of Business,

I want to be able to Reward my customers for shopping with me so that they may return. Help me create quality products, deliver quality service, and offer a loyalty program that will keep them glued to my business.

Help me create an irresistible shopping experience. Help me to create a tiered loyalty program, with rewards increasing based on how much a customer has spent.

For example, I could offer a discount for customers who have spent up to 3,000, another for those who have spent up to 10,000, and so on.

May my customers feel valued and increasingly remain loyal to my brand. “Faithfulness is rewarded” (Matthew 25:21), I need your help to reward my customers for the sales I make.

In all, Give me wisdom to know how to structure the rewards and incentives. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen!

10. Father, take me to Events where I will discover MORE customers

Dear Heavenly Father,

Help me not to limit myself to just social media or my business website. Take me to those events that will put my business right in front of new customers. Help me Attend fairs and entrepreneurial events as often as possible to get my business out there. I want to take my business to places, not just to sell my products, but to share your blessings with others.

Lead me to events where I will discover more customers and share my business with others. I also need your wisdom to know how to present my products and services. Thank you as You will answer my prayer. Amen.

11. Prayer to understand what motivates customers to buy

Our Father,

I want to know what motivates customers to buy. Please, help me to learn about their needs and concerns. I want to Serve them first, knowing that my interests will be served in turn.

In Mark 12:31, You have taught us to “love our neighbors as ourselves.” I want to serve my customers with love, just as you have served me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


Read Also: Prayers for Prosperity and Abundance