A Prayer for Return of Lost or Stolen Wallet

Nobody wants to lose their wallet, especially with their credit card and ID in it. If this is your situation right now, it’s good that you are coming to God in prayer. Let’s go to the book of Luke 15:8-10. Here, Jesus tells us the parable of a woman who loses a valuable coin and searches until she finds it. When she does, she rejoices and shares her joy with her neighbors. This is a story of persistence, and with prayer, you’ll recover your missing item.

When you lose something as valuable as a wallet, God can mysteriously lead you to wherever it is. But, of course, you have to put in some work. The woman in the parable searched for her lost coin and found it. God will guide you, and so this makes it even easier.

Prayer for Return of Lost Wallet

Man finds lost wallet and returns to Lady stranger

It doesn’t matter if it was misplaced or stolen—you’ll find by the time we are done with this prayer.

1. Help me, Oh God, to take a deep breath

Dear God,

I have lost my wallet. Right now, I am beginning to search for it but can’t do so without you. I come before your presence asking for calmness. I know that anxiety can cloud my mind and lead me down a path of frustration. But your word says in Philippians 4:6-7:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Please, help me to take a deep breath. I trust in your sovereignty, and ask for your peace to guard my heart as I search for my wallet. Give me clear thought and a calm spirit. I want to be able to think clearly. So, help me God, and be my guide and my rock, and lead me to the place where it lies.

In Jesus’ name.


2. Prayer to establish a context that’ll lead me to my Wallet

Heavenly Father,

Your word says in Psalm 32:8, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” According to your promise, may you help me recall the context of my activities when I last had my wallet. What was I doing? What was I wearing? Give me the memory to retrace my steps.

I have seen in Isaiah 46:10, prophet Isaiah said, “My counsel shall stand, and I will accomplish all my purpose.” Father, I want to understand your purpose in this situation. Please, let me see the way forward.

Help me to remember the details of my actions, and follow the path that I took. I need your Heavenly wisdom so I can search in the right places and find what I am looking for. And if it is not your will for me to find my wallet, help me to trust in your goodness, and to see that you are working all things for my good.

I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3. May Heavens Guide me to the Places my wallet could be

Our Father,

Remember your promise in Psalm 32:8, which I cited earlier. You promised to show me the way to go, help me to think clearly, and remember the places where I usually keep my wallet. Please, lend me your eye to trace my way either to the dresser, the gym bag, the car’s center console, or the desk drawer, or wherever it may be, where I may have left my wallet.

The prophet Isaiah said in Isaiah 30:21, “Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying, ‘This is the way, walk in it,’ when you turn to the right or when you turn to the left.” Please, help me to hear your whisper guiding me to the right place. I shall thank you, oh God, as I find my missing belonging.


4. Prayer to remain organized during this search

Dear Heavenly Father,

It’s frustrating for me because I have some money, credit card, ID, and other valuable items in my wallet. I feel very anxious, but I know that praying to you will help me relax and stay organized.

Please, give me wisdom as I search each room. Let me not cause unnecessary destruction while searching for my lost wallet.

Didn’t the apostle Paul say in 1 Corinthians 14:40, “Let all things be done decently and in order”?

This is why I ask for your help to search in an orderly and systematic way and to find it that I may give thanks to you.

But if it is not your will for me to find my wallet, help me to see that you are working all things for my good.


5. Prayer for Guidance to Contact the Right Restaurant, Bar or Wallet Inspector

Dear God,

It says, “Seek the Lord and his strength; seek his presence continually!” This is your exact word in Psalm 105:4. It is also the reason I come to you, and you alone, praying for guidance. Help me try to remember the last place I used my wallet. Give me a sharp memory, that I may recall the exact place where I last had it.

I know you will help me because I trust in the name of the Lord. I also rely on you, oh God, in this darkness of uncertainty. Please, walk me to the right restaurant, bar, or wallet inspector, so that I may recover my lost wallet.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

6. May the Police Station have my wallet as I visit them

Dear God,

Help me to trust in your watchful care as I visit the police station, and lead me to the place where my wallet may have been taken. May the police station be a gate of hope for me. May your blessing be upon the officers who serve there, that they may be helpful in returning my lost but found wallet to me.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


7. Prayer to Touch the keeper’s heart to return my wallet via the Post Office

Father in Heaven,

I pray for a heart of kindness from the one who has found my wallet. May he/she have a heart of kindness, and may they be moved to return it to me through the post office. It can be daunting to go through the whole process of mailing it to the post office but touch their heart to do this for me. May they be caring enough to find my address in any of my IDs, and do the right thing. Help me to be reunited with my wallet and give thanks to you.


8. Prayer for someone to send you a message on Facebook about my missing wallet

Dear God,

I have read your word in Psalm 68:6, and it says, “God sets the lonely in families, he leads out the prisoners with singing….” Right now, I believe that you care enough to help me retrace my lost item, even if it means the keeper of my wallet contacting me via Facebook.

Please, bring the one who has found my wallet to me, and may they reach out to me through social media. Let me be active at the time they send this good news, so I can immediately identify myself as the owner, and prepare to retrieve my item.

The apostle Paul said in Ephesians 2:19, “Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and strangers, but fellow citizens with God’s people and also members of his household.” May the one who has found my wallet be a fellow citizen in your kingdom, and reach out to me in kindness, that I may be grateful for your grace.

In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.

9. Help me, oh Lord, to Always Keep my Wallet Safe

My Heavenly Father,

I know that you will answer my prayer, especially since I have tasked myself with coming before your presence. I know that you see and know so much that we don’t. This is why I pray for your help to avoid misplacing my wallet again.

Your word says in Proverbs 27:12, “The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty.” Therefore, by your grace, I want to be prudent. I also want to be wise with handling my wallet next time, and those of others. Paul, in 1 Corinthians 14:40, says “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

Help me with a routine and a designated place for my wallet. I want to always know where it is and keep it safe. May my wallet be like good friends, always with me and in a safe spot. To you, oh Lord, I pray.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

It might look like you’ll never find your wallet again but with a bit more time, and if God is willing, you will. It is also common for wallets to be reunited with their owners, especially if you keep your ID in it. It can take a week to a month, but with God in prayer, you’ll find your wallet in a few hours or a couple of days

If you have your credit cards in the missing wallet, you can contact your bank and freeze it in the meantime. You can also cancel your ID to prevent anyone from misusing it. With God, you’ll find your lost wallet very quickly so you don’t have to take these steps.

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