A Prayer for Someone Who Helped You Financially

The Bible tells the story of the widow of Zarephath, who was struggling to make ends meet during a severe famine. But when the prophet Elijah arrived, she shared what little food she had with him, trusting that God would provide. And indeed, God multiplied her resources, and she was able to feed both herself and Elijah for many days (1 Kings 17:8-16).

In the same way, if someone has been a modern-day Elijah to you, and has helped you financially, you are indeed doing the right thing praying for them. Since this person has provided for your needs in a time of financial scarcity, your prayer is an expression of your gratitude and a blessing to them. Not only that, like Zarephath, God can reward you with endless abundance to also be able to be another man’s happiness when they are in need of money or any material needs.

Prayer for Someone Who Helped You Financially

Kneeling couple praying for someone who helped them financially

Each of the prayers you will pray is guided by the Bible, so you’ll find biblical references to help you understand the prayer much more.

1. Blessings and Prosperity

Dear God,

Today, I am here to express my heartfelt gratitude for this person whom you sent to help me with money. He is a blessing to me as I’ve been in need. Your word in Luke 6:38 says “give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”

On this note, my prayer is that you will bless my financial helper abundantly. Please, allow your favor and prosperity be upon them. Reward their generosity with an overflow of your blessings, and help them to remain a channel of your goodness to others.


2. Protection and Guidance

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you so much for this helper you sent into my life. I know that you decided to use them as a source of financial support to me, which they did not hesitate to do.

You promised that You “will guide [us] always; he will satisfy [our] needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen [our] frame. [We] will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.” These are your promises in Isaiah 58:11.

Right now, my prayer is that you will protect my financial helper from harm. May they continue to believe in your goodness. Their generosity should continue to be a reflection of your love for me and others.


3. Spiritual Growth and Wisdom

Dear God,

I am so grateful for this person you introduced into my life to help me with funds for my situation. I have referred to the Bible and have seen in 1 John 3:17 that says, “Suppose someone has enough to live on and sees a brother or sister in need, but does not help. Then God’s love is not living in that person.” Father, please remember this promise and keep growing my helper spiritually. Give them Your wisdom and discernment in anything they do with their money.


4. Good Health and Strength Prayer

Father in Heaven,

I have experienced your care through someone, and I lift up this person to you. I ask for your continued blessings of good health and strength.

Just as you taught us to “love our neighbors as ourselves” in Mark 12:31, this person has shown love for me. I pray that you will grant them vitality, that they may continue to serve you and others joyfully. Amen.

5. Prayer for Peace and Joy

Dear Heavenly Father,

You have sent Elijah my way, and I acknowledge that it is your doing. This person has been a great source of my comfort and support. I referred to Philippians 4:6-7, and I saw your word:

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Father, please fill this soul that helped me with money with your peace. I pray that they continue to be a source of hope to people. Their generosity should be a reflection of your love. They should also always know your presence in whatever they do. Amen.

6. Prayer for Eternal Rewards


I thank you for the Elijah whom you called for me, and who has demonstrated your concern for my well-being through financial support. My prayer is that you will reward this person with eternal treasures in heaven.

Their generosity, kindness, and concern are a blessing to me. I also pray that you give them the heart to extend this love to others who are in need.

Remember their good deeds, and may they receive a crown of glory that will never fade away.


7. Faithfulness and Humility Prayer

Heavenly Father,

I am on my knees to acknowledge the financial helper you sent to me and my family. We are very grateful to you. I pray that this helper remains faithful to you and humble at the mention of your name.

In 1 Corinthians 4:7, your word says, “For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not?” I pray that this person who has helped me financially will continue to have resources to bless others. Please, fill their heart with a desire to serve you. May their generosity reflect your love, and may they always bring glory to your name.


8. Protection from Harm

Dear Heavenly Father,

I pray that you will protect the Elijah you sent to me from evil. Keep them safe from those who would seek to do them harm. As your word says, “The Lord will keep you from all harm—he will watch over your life; the Lord will watch over your coming and going both now and forevermore.” (Psalm 121:7-8)

Your angels should watch over them, and your presence, their comfort and protection. May they always know your love and care for them, and may they be a blessing to others, just as they have been to me. In Jesus name, Amen.

9. Continued Blessings

Dear God,

I pray that you will continue to bless her with your favor. Pour out your blessings upon them in abundance.

I remember you said, “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.” This is in Luke 6:38. Let their generosity be rewarded with an overflow of your blessings. Let them continue to be a channel of your love. And most importantly, help this helper to know your presence when they see one. Amen.

10. Wisdom and Guidance Prayer

Dear God,

I have no silver nor gold but I have prayer for this person who has helped me financially. Please, grant my helper wisdom, grant him guidance in all their decisions, and help them to take the right actions at any time. You have informed us in Proverbs 3:5-6 to trust in the Lord with all our heart and lean not on our own understanding. On the ground of this teaching, I ask you to help my helper to seek your Will and follow your lead. Fill their heart with a desire to serve you. In Jesus name, Amen.

11. Prayer for Fruitful Service

Heavenly Father,

I pray that the person you have sent to give me money will be fruitful in their service to you. They have been generous and kind. I only ask that it reflect your love, grace, and compassion for us. Let them continue to be a blessing to other people, and do deeds that will bring glory to your name. Amen

5 tips that will help you pray for someone who gave you money

Remember, there is no perfect prayer. You don’t have to be poetic or dramatic in your prayers. You just want God to know your desires, and in this case to replenish the pocket of someone who has helped you with money.

Make sure your prayer is very sincere

You don’t need beautiful use of words to pray a meaningful prayer. As long as it’s genuine, then you have a prayer. You don’t have to quote the Bible. These references here are to show you that the simple prayer we have for someone who helped us financially follow the promises of God.

All you have to do is express your gratitude, acknowledge the person’s generosity, and acknowledge God’s presence in their gift. Avoid insincere prayers because they may come across as transactional rather than a genuine expression of thanks.

Cover Your Giver’s Needs in Your Prayer

Now, try to reflect on the person’s life, challenges, and aspirations. Pray for their well-being, success, and growth. Ask God to bless them with wisdom, peace, and prosperity. You can also pray for their relationships, health, and protection to show that you value their life beyond the gift of money.

Pray for Their Spiritual Growth

Pray that God will continue to guide and direct them. Pray that they will continue to have a good heart and continue to help others, and most importantly remember God in all they do. This is why in most of the prayers, we’ve talked about asking God to help your helper grow in their faith and to use their resources to further God’s own kingdom.

Be Specific

You have to be specific about your request. In our case here, our concern is the well-being of our helper. So, we pray to God for the guidance of this person, and creation of abundance so that they can continue to help other people and maintain the ways of the Lord. You don’t have to switch from one prayer point to the other so you don’t miss out important details in your request.

In the end, the person may not even know that spiritually, you have rooted for them. That’s okay. It’s all they really need as you may not have silver or gold to give to them in return. After this prayer, send another ‘Thank You’ message or make a phone call to let the person know that you have been praying for them.