Powerful Prayer to Break Soul Tie with an Ex

Many of us have been in that position where we got deeply connected with our partners. But unfortunately, it didn’t go as we would have loved it to. An element of that connection is always there as a soul tie that keeps reminding you of this person. However, prayer can break the tie with your ex and help you stay much more focused. Take for example the story of David and Jonathan. This bond was so strong that Jonathan, the son of King Saul, was willing to risk his own life to protect David (1 Samuel 18:1-4, 20:1-42). However, when Jonathan passed away, David was able to move forward, and their soul tie was broken.

This connection expresses love but it can also become harmful if rooted in unhealthy behaviors. In cases where a relationship has become toxic or abusive, the best thing is to break it, heal, and move forward.

Prayer to Break Soul Tie with an Ex

Man and woman pray to break soul ties

We will pray together for God to help cut of this spiritual or emotional tie.

1. Help me God to acknowledge the relationship

Heavenly Father,

My heart is still tied to my past relationship, and I find it difficult to move on. I also admit that I have a soul tie with my ex, but I am ready to confront it.

Help me to detect those signs, including the feelings of deep connection and the constant thoughts of my ex.

I know that I have invested emotions, time, and energy into this relationship, and it’s hard to let go. But I also know that holding onto this is preventing me from moving on. Please, I need the courage to face this pain.

Help me see that it’s okay to love the experiences we shared, but not at the cost of my own healing and growth. I pray that you would loosen its hold on my heart, and Help me see that I am worthy of love and freedom.

In Jesus’ name.


2. Prayer to Cut off contact

Our Father,

I am working to break the soul tie with my ex. I also know that cutting off contact is part of this process. My prayer is for you to give me the courage to do so.

Dear God, help me to resist the temptation to reach out to my ex, whether through text, call, or social media. I need heavenly discipline to block their number and limit my exposure to things that might make me want to reconnect.

I know that staying friends with my ex only looks easy way but it’s tough. Please, help me with true freedom for I know it can only come from a complete separation. Please fill the void with your presence. Help me to focus on the present and the future. In Jesus’ name, I pray.


3. Heavenly guide to Discard whatsoever reminds me of my ex

OH Lord,

But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining towards what is ahead, I press on towards the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenwards in Christ Jesus. – (Philippians 3:13-14)

It’s about my ex. Please, help me with the courage to collect all the gifts, belongings, and sentimental objects that remind me of this person. I request heavenly wisdom to know what to do with them, whether it’s to throw them away, donate them, or give them away.

I want to let go of the sentimental value attached to these items. Let me understand that these objects are just physical representations of a relationship that has ended. I know that my worth and identity are not tied to them. I am going to discard these reminders, and hope that You fill up any empty spaces with your love so that I can focus on myself.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

4. Help me purge my ex on social media, oh Lord

Dearest Lord,

Social media is a constant reminder of my ex. Now, I want to take steps to limit my exposure to this space. Please, help me to unfriend, block, and delete any reminders of my ex online. It is not a vindictive act, but rather a step I need for moving on.

My prayer is that you would help me to see that I don’t have to be connected to this person online, and that it’s okay to take a step back and focus on my own self. I need to understand that this is not about erasing the past, instead, it’s about embracing my present.

I am deleting my ex from my social media accounts. Please fill up the gaps, and bring me someone I can trust, who will love and respect me.


5. Heavenly energy to Meditate on a soul tie I shared

Our Father in Heaven,

I think that meditation can help me clear my thoughts. If you are willing this for me, please help me focus on this task to the end. Help me to find a quiet place to sit and meditate. Help me focus on my breaths and feel the air passing through my body.

May I speak directly to my ex’s soul during this mediation, telling him or her that I’ve decided to break free from the soul tie that binds us.

Oh Lord, I’ll need the courage to acknowledge the emotions and feelings during this meditation. Please, help me see that I have the power to let go. Help me understand that meditation is not just a physical exercise, but a spiritual one. I believe that you are with me every step of the way.

I pray that you would give me the strength and determination to continue this process because I know it can get difficult, but necessary for my healing.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

6. Give me a third eye to see me cutting it off with them

Oh King of Kings,

I need to be able to visualize right now because I know it can be powerful. I want you to guide as I close my eyes and imagine the soul tie between my ex. Have me as a physical rope or cord. While visualizing, let me watch myself cutting that cord. Help me take this visualization not just as a mental exercise, but a spiritual one.

Please, give me the strength. I also need the determination to make my visuals a reality. I need your wisdom to revisit this visualization often. I also want to see me continue cutting the cord until it’s gone for good.

In Jesus’ name. Amen.

7. Guide and energize me, oh God

My King of Kings,

Ever since I was born, your power and grace have been sufficient for me. Now, I pray that you energize me as I try to break away from the mental bond I have of my ex. Besides, it says in Corinthians 12:9, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.”

Help me to declare my intention to break this soul tie. I also want to trust that you are with me all the time. I really need this courage to let go of the past. Right now, my present is what matters, and my future is something I want to work after.

As I pray, oh Lord, surround me with love and protection. Fill me with your Holy Spirit to empower me, and Help me see that I am strong and capable.


8. Prayer to build up my self-esteem after my ex

My Father in Heaven,

I really need your help with my self esteem while also breaking the soul tie with my ex. This relationship has left me feeling bruised, and right now, I feel uncertain. However, I know that you are the God of restoration. “Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored! Renew our days as of old—” (Lamentations 5:21).

Therefore, I pray for you to help me see myself through your eyes – as a beloved and worthy child of God. You’re a God of grace. Please, grant me grace to discover my strengths, and to silence the negative self-talk that tries to hold me back.

I am continuing to build my self-esteem, and I pray you surround me with your love. Be my Encouragement, dear God. Help me to see that I am complete in you. I believe that with You, I don’t need anyone else to make me whole. Help me embrace my identity, and know my value going forward.


9. Fill the Professional I’ll talk to with your Wisdoms for me

Heavenly God,

I need someone to talk to. I know that you have gifted certain people the ability to counsel and guide those who need their services. I am planning to meet an advisor or therapist, and hope you fill them with wisdom for my sake. In Exodus 17:12, Aaron and Hur supported Moses in his time of need. Therefore, provide my professional advisor the wisdom I need to support my situation. Let me see through me using your lenses to understand the depth of my situation.

Remember David and Jonathan who had a deep soul tie. When their relationship ended, David was able to move forward. Please, give me a similar faith as I work to break this soul tie.

Be present in my conversation with a Professional. Guide and direct our discussion, and Help me open up about my feelings. Help my advisor provide me with the perfect resources I need to move forward. I pray for our sessions together to be productive, and that I would leave each meeting feeling good.

In Jesus’ name, I pray.


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