15 Prayers for Healing and Strength for a Friend

We don’t want to see our friends and loved ones struggling in whatever situation, but sometimes, these things happen. It could be illness, difficult times, emotional distress, or any situation that drains them, and sometimes, it’s beyond your power to help. But don’t worry—all you have to offer is prayers for healing and strength for a friend that will help to turn things around.

It might not sound like prayer is enough, especially if your friend is financially broke, and needs money you don’t have. All you have is prayer, and with the right frame of mind and belief, it will work out. In this guide, we will consider 15 powerful prayers, each backed with Bible verses for your reference and convenience.

Prayers for Healing and Strength for a Friend

Woman holds friend and prays for her

1. Prayer for Physical Healing

Is your friend experiencing physical weakness? Then the right prayer is one about physical healing. We will offer a prayer that leans on the belief in God’s boundless power to heal. This is a call for divine intervention in health issues, and you have to trust in God’s care. This prayer follows 1 Peter 2:24, ‘He himself bore our sins’ in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; ‘by his wounds you have been healed.’


I come before you today in need of your healing hand for my friend. In you all things are possible. Hold my friend in your loving arms, and allow your healing love penetrate every cell, from their head to their toes.

May my friend feel your strength and be comforted again.


2. Prayer for Emotional Healing

Your friend may need emotional healing if you find them in distress, and sometimes concerns of depression. Yes, prayer can change their mind, and address emotional wounds. In this prayer, you will ask for God’s presence and comfort for your broken  friend. This prayer point is in line with Psalm 34:18.

Dear God,

I bring my friend before you. Please, grant him emotional healing because he has been left weary. Fill him with peace and joy for your word says, ‘The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit’ (Psalm 34:18).

I want my friend to sense your nearness and find solace in you.


3. Prayer for Spiritual Healing

Everything is not always physical or emotional—your friend could be spiritually down, which is the cause of whatever weakness they have now. Pray this prayer to help them heal and find strength again:

Heavenly Father,

I ask you to provide spiritual healing to my friend. Open my friend’s heart to receive your word for it is sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).

Give my friend a renewed spirit. Help them find direction and purpose, and grant them strength to face the difficulties.


With this prayer, your friend will experience God’s intervention in their spiritual life. The idea is to help them see the power of God’s word penetrating and rejuvenating their spirit.

4. Prayer for Mental Strength

Pray this prayer for your friend’s mental health:


Grant my friend the mental strength to overcome the difficulties. Please, provide them with your peace and understanding, guard their heart and their mind in Christ Jesus following your promise in Philippians 4:7. Give my friend that wisdom to get through life and see your hand at work in their life.


This is a prayer that asks God for peace and wisdom. We all experience mental challenges at some point, but invoking God’s promise can bring peace. Not just any type of peace but one that can be a refuge in times of trouble.

5. Prayer for Restoration and Renewal

Wouldn’t you love to see your friend restored and renewed? This is why we need a prayer requesting restoration—spiritually, emotionally, and physically. You have to pray for your friend to receive revitalization from God. This prayer emphasized strength and renewal following God’s promise in Psalm 51:10 and Isaiah 40:29. Pray thus:

Almighty God

My friend needs your heavenly restoration and renewal. Psalm 51:10 reminds us of your promise: ‘Create in them a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within them’.

In times of weariness, remind them that you give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak (Isaiah 40:29). May they rise on wings like eagles; may they run and not grow weary, they walk and not be faint.


6. Prayer for Protection and Safety

Apart from physical, emotional and mental strengthening, your friend also needs prayer that appeals to God’s promise of protection. You have to pray for their shelter under God’s wings to safeguard against physical and spiritual attacks. This is the prayer you need:

Father in Heaven,

I pray for your protection and safety over my friend. Please, surround them with your divine hedge of protection. I pray for their safety from harm and evil. It is written, ‘He will cover you with his feathers, and under his wings, you will find refuge; his faithfulness will be your shield and rampart’ in Psalm 91:4. Father, let them feel your presence as a protective cloak, guiding them away from danger and leading them into safety. Amen.”

7. Prayer for Wisdom and Guidance

How about a prayer for wisdom and guidance? This is very important because your friend needs to be able to make good calls that will result in decisions that restore their strength and healing. This is how the prayer goes:


I ask for wisdom and guidance for my friend in all their decisions. Light up their path with your grace and show them the way to go. Your word says, ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you’ (James 1:5).

Father, grant my friend the power to recognize quality choices and the courage to follow your lead.


This prayer calls for wisdom and guidance for a friend, and also encourages reliance on God’s promise of wisdom to those who ask.

8. Prayer for Financial Stability and Provision

Don’t be afraid to pray for your friend’s abundance. This type of prayer will address any concerns of their financial need, and trust in God’s provision. You’ll be given only if you ask, right? This is the time to pray to God about His promise to meet needs according to His riches.

Gracious Provider,

I lift up my friend’s financial situation to you. Please, provide for their needs. Your word has assured us in Philippians 4:19, ‘And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus’. Help my friend trust in your provision, and guide them into financial stability. Lord, open doors to new opportunities, lead them in managing their resources, and most importantly, let them be able to reflect your generosity and care in life.


9. Prayer for Peace and Serenity

You also need a prayer for healing and strength for a friend that first of all seeks the peace that Jesus promised in John 14:27. Not the kind of peace you find in the world but one of comfort that brings reassurance.

Heavenly Father,

I ask you to give my friend your peace and serenity. This is a world full of turmoil, please, let them find in you calmness as Jesus said, ‘Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid’ (John 14:27).

May this peace fill their heart and mind, anchoring them in the midst of storms.


10. Prayer for Joy and Happiness

Pray this prayer of happiness:

Heavenly Father,

Please, fill my friend’s life with your joy and happiness. Let them experience the fullness of your joy, which is their strength, for Nehemiah 8:10 says, ‘The joy of the Lord is your strength’ (Nehemiah 8:10).

In moments of sadness or despair, remind my friend of your love. Let them know that happiness comes from knowing you. Brighten their days with your light, and their hearts filled with laughter and joy.


11. Prayer for Successful Endeavors

A prayer that entrusts personal efforts and projects to God is another prayer point your friend needs in their life right now. Pray this prayer to ask for God’s guidance and blessing. This prayer follows Proverbs 16:3, which we will quote in this prayer.

God of all grace,

I bring my friend’s endeavors before you, asking for your blessing on their work and projects. Guide their steps and efforts, that they may achieve success. As Proverbs 16:3 encourages, ‘Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans’. Help my friend to commit each task to you, and trust in your guidance for success.


12. Prayer for Healing from Grief and Loss

Merciful Father

I pray to you for my friend who is experiencing the pain of grief and loss. Bring them comfort in their sorrow, enveloping them in your love. Let them be reminded of your promise. For in Matthew 5:4, you’ve said, ‘Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted’. Please, provide my lovely friend with your strength to face each day. Give him the hope of your eternal comfort and help them to find solace in your presence.


If your friend is suffering from the pain of losing someone, this is the prayer they need to attract God’s comfort and healing power. Be rest assured that a friend who mourns will receive divine consolation after this brief conversation with God.

13. Prayer for Relationship Healing

Perhaps, your friend is broken in the relationship with someone. It could be a family member, partners, or friends. What matters now is a prayer that will merge the relationship and give your friend and the other party a restoration for a stronger relationship going forward. Pray this powerful prayer:

Our Loving God,

I am praying for your healing touch on my friend’s relationships with their family, friends, or partners. Please, bring reconciliation where there is conflict, understanding where there is confusion, and love where there is anger.

For your word teaches that ‘Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins’ (1 Peter 4:8). Help my friend to approach their relationships with this love and forgiveness. Mend bonds and strengthen connections. In Jesus name I pray.


The foundation of this prayer is love, and we all know how much God encourages us to love one another.

14. Prayer for Bravery

A prayer for bravery and courage isn’t a bad idea for a friend who needs healing and strength. You’ll pray to God to address encouragement in tough times. This prayer invokes the biblical command from Joshua 1:9 to help your friend be strong and courageous,m with God’s support. Let’s pray:

Almighty God,

I pray that you would endow my friend with courage and bravery in the face of fear and uncertainty. Just as Joshua was encouraged, ‘Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9).

Help my friend take hold of this promise. Grant them the strength to move with confidence, knowing you are with them.


15. Prayer for Decision-Making

Finally, pray to God to help your friend with their decisions ín life. Many of us make decisions that end up weakening us due to the negative consequences that come with such decisions. If your friend is in such circumstances, they need a prayer that guides their decision-making.

Almighty Father,

I am asking you for wisdom for my friend as they make decisions. Clear the fog of confusion and illuminate their path with your light. As it is said, ‘Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path’ (Psalm 119:105). Help my friend discern your will to make quality decisions, and know peace as the only consequence. Please, guide them with your Holy Spirit, that they may choose the paths that align with your desire.


Your friend may not even know that behind the improvements they are seeing daily are your prayers. That doesn’t matter; what matters is that you have offered these prayers, and God acknowledges them. You can also encourage your friend to be prayerful and continue to seek God in whatever decisions they plan to make. Remind them of the love of God, and the need to ask because it shall be given.