Prayer to Remove Strongholds on My Husband

Just recently, a woman reached out to our ministry about her husband. He had been facing setback after setback, and no matter how hard this man tried, his progress at work and even in his business won’t see progress. She felt something wasn’t right, but she couldn’t pinpoint what it was. Her husband, who had always been the breadwinner, had been trying to stay afloat, but nothing was working. He was becoming more withdrawn, and their household was suffering. Well, together, we said a prayer to remove strongholds on the husband, and it worked. Glory to God!

Now, when people of the world see things like this, they would tell you to blame the economy or look for external solutions. Maybe even quit his job and find something new. But in this ministry, we understand that not every problem is natural; some are deeply spiritual. So, we took the matter to God in prayer.

As we prayed, God revealed that the enemy had launched a spiritual attack to place a stronghold over the husband’s life. The devil wanted to wreck him. The enemy knew that if the head of the home was weakened, the whole family would fall apart. But we didn’t stop there. We pressed on in prayer, asking God to break every chain and stronghold over the husband’s life.

The Bible says in Isaiah 54:17 that “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” We stood on that word, and declared it over the man’s life. And God, in His power, rose up and showed the enemy that He is God! Hallelujah. The chains were broken, and the husband’s progress was restored. God stepped in, and the stronghold that had gripped his life was completely shattered.

In situations like this, it’s not the time to be passive or to accept things as they are. It’s a call to battle in the spirit, to pray fervently, and to trust in God’s power to deliver and restore.

Prayer Can Remove Evil from Your Husband

Dear sisters, we do know that if your family is facing disturbances from the enemy, prayer can remove evil strongholds from your husband. Whether it is demonic interference or other spiritual attacks, God has the power to turn things around. But when we come to God, our hearts need to be at peace. We must be sincere and lay our difficulties before Him, then He will listen.

Take Hannah, for example. Her husband, Elkanah, had a second wife who mocked and tormented her. But instead of giving up, Hannah took her pain to God in prayer. In 1 Samuel 1:10, it says, “She was in bitterness of soul, and prayed to the Lord and wept in anguish.” And God heard her prayer and gave her a son.

In the same way, if you are facing trouble in your marriage or your husband’s life is under attack, you are not going to give up. We will take it to God in prayer. God will hear, and will deliver your husband from every evil.

Preparation for Prayer to Break Strongholds on Your Husband

What do you need to do to make sure that you say this prayer, and heaven respects your voice.


In 1 Kings 18:41-46, Elijah announced to King Ahab that rain was coming after a long drought, even when there was no sign of it. He said confidently, “Go up, eat and drink, for there is the sound of an abundance of rain.” Yet, the skies were clear. Elijah’s faith drove him to speak of what had not yet manifested because he knew God would answer.

Likewise, you must have faith when praying to break strongholds over your husband. Hebrews 11:6 says that “Without faith it is impossible to please God.” If you are coming before God with prayers to break chains that bind your husband, but your heart is filled with doubt, the devil will sense that disbelief. You must declare victory, even before you see it, just as Elijah did. Go to God fully believing that through His power, the chains holding your husband will be broken.

Prayer in the Name of Jesus

When confronting strongholds, it is crucial to pray in the name of Jesus. As we see in scripture, demons and evil forces tremble at His name. Mark 16:17 tells us, “In my name, they will drive out demons.” The authority we have over evil spirits is only through Jesus. It is Jesus who has all authority in heaven and on earth (Matthew 28:18), so we must pray explicitly in His name.

Be cautious when approaching this battle in prayer. Satan desires to deceive, and he would gladly accept prayers if we carelessly direct them without invoking the name of Jesus. Always call on Jesus by name, for His name alone holds the power to drive out any evil force.

Pain and Sacrifice

Breaking strongholds often requires sacrifice. This is where the principle of fasting comes in. Jesus himself demonstrated this during His time on earth. In Matthew 17:21, after His disciples failed to cast out a demon, Jesus said, “This kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.” Fasting is a physical act of self-denial that opens the door for supernatural breakthroughs.

As you seek God in prayer for your husband, consider setting aside time to fast. Fasting is not simply about going without food, but about humbling yourself before God, renouncing the natural to invoke the supernatural. It allows you to focus entirely on God.


As you prepare, know that perseverance is often required. Elijah prayed and sent his servant repeatedly to check for rain, you may have to persist in prayer before you see the breakthrough. Do not grow weary. Galatians 6:9 reminds us, “Let us not grow weary in well-doing, for in due season we shall reap if we do not give up.” Trust that God’s timing is perfect, and even when it seems slow, He is working.

Prayer to Remove Strongholds on My Husband

Wife prays with husband for God to break stronghold

I will guide you to start the prayer, before I pray for you at the end.

  1. Open your mouth and thank God for making you see a bright new day. Tell him you are thankful for everything he has done for you, and the ones he will still do.
  2. Tell God you are here because you have a dangerous request, which needs an urgent answer.
  3. Confess your sin to God, ask him to cleanse you of anything that would act as a hindrance to your prayers getting answered. tell God to forgive and pardon you through the blood of Jesus Christ His son.

Now is time to get started!


Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son who came to save and set us free. I come before You today with the authority You have given me, standing in the gap for my husband. I will not stop until I see the breakthrough I am believing for.

Lord, You know the situation we are facing. My husband, whom You joined to me in the covenant of marriage, has been bound by strongholds that are not from You. These forces of darkness have tried to take him away, but I stand firm on Your promises. I declare that no weapon formed against us shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17).

Father, Your word says in Matthew 18:18, “Whatever we bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Right now, I bind every power of darkness that is holding my husband captive. Whatever is clouding his mind, whatever is keeping him from being the man You have called him to be, I command it to be broken in the mighty name of Jesus! Let the fire of the Holy Spirit burn away every chain, every lie, and every deception that the enemy has placed in his path.

Lord, You said in Proverbs 21:1 that the heart of the king is in Your hands, and You can direct it wherever You will. I ask You to take my husband’s heart in Your hands, and turn it back towards You and back towards me. I release my husband to, you O God. Open his eyes, Lord, to see clearly, and remove every veil the enemy has used to blind him.

Father, if there are people or evil influences working behind the scenes, I pray You expose them. Let Your fire consume every plan and plot against our marriage. If it is by human hands, remove them from our lives, and let Your judgment fall where needed.

I declare in faith that my husband will return, not just physically but spiritually restored and renewed. I believe that by this time next week, I will see signs of Your work, because nothing is too hard for You. You are the God of the impossible, and I trust in Your timing and Your power.

Thank You, Lord, because I know You hear me. You have never failed, and I trust You to bring the full restoration of my husband and our marriage.

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN.

Prayer to Remove evil from My Husband

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, Your Son who died for us, I come before You with boldness. I stand as a warrior, determined to take back what the enemy has stolen. I will not leave Your presence until I see Your hand move in my husband’s life.

Lord, You see the battle my husband is facing. The forces of darkness are trying to influence him, to lead him away from You and from our family. But today, I declare that enough is enough! You said in Your word that whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven (Matthew 18:18). So right now, I bind every evil spirit, every dark force, and every wicked plan that is working against my husband. In the name of Jesus, I break their power over his life!

Whatever is blinding his heart and mind, Lord, I ask that You remove it now. Open his eyes, Lord, to see the truth, to see Your light, and to return to the path You have set for him. Father, You said the heart of the king is in Your hand, and You can turn it wherever You will (Proverbs 21:1). So, I pray, turn my husband’s heart back to You. Break every chain of darkness, and fill him with Your peace and Your presence.

If there are people being used by the enemy to influence him, I ask You to expose them. Let Your fire consume every plot, plan, and device of the enemy. I declare right now that no weapon formed against my husband will prosper (Isaiah 54:17). Lord, send Your angels to guard him, to fight for him, and to lead him out of every snare set by the enemy.

I believe in Your power to deliver and restore. Father, I am expecting to see a change in my husband. I know that by the power of Your name, evil cannot stay, and I trust that You are already working in his life. I am confident that You will bring him back, free from every hold of the enemy.

Thank You, Lord, because I know You always hear me. You have never failed me, and I trust You completely with my husband’s heart and life.

In Jesus’ mighty name I pray, AMEN.

War Room Prayer for Husband

Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, I come before you, standing firm in faith, ready for battle. Lord, you are the mighty warrior, and I will not leave until I see victory in my home.

My husband—whom you blessed me with—has been bound by forces of darkness, but I declare, he is yours, and I call him back in Jesus’ name. Every spirit, power, or evil influence that has taken him captive, I bind you now in the name of Jesus. Father, you said whatever we bind on earth is bound in heaven, and so I take authority over every stronghold over his life.

In the name of Jesus, I release your fire upon every chain that holds him. Let your Holy Spirit break through every barrier, every blindness, and every deception that has taken him away from his family.

Lord, you hold the heart of my husband in your hands. Turn his heart back to his family. Remove every distraction. I believe in your power, and I claim his restoration.

Thank you, Father, for hearing me. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

Declarations Over My Husband

You are going to make these declarations with all SERIOUSNESS to release your husband from the chains of strongholds.

In the name of Jesus,

I declare freedom over my husband. Every chain that binds him is broken, and every stronghold over his life is destroyed.

I declare that he is a man of God, walking in the light and not in darkness. His steps are ordered by the Lord, and he will follow the path of righteousness.

I declare that no weapon formed against him will prosper, and every plan of the enemy against his life is canceled. His mind is renewed by the Word of God, and his heart is softened to receive the truth.

I declare peace over his spirit, clarity over his thoughts, and strength over his body. He is the head and not the tail, above and not beneath. The Lord’s protection surrounds him, and no harm will come near him.

In Jesus’ name, my husband is restored, all strongholds broken, and he is fully covered by God’s grace. AMEN!

Congratulations because God has removed strongholds from your husband, and nothing will chain him again. It has happened, Amen.

For more personal prayers, please reach out to us using the support form or call our number, and a priest will be there to pray for you.

Thank you and God bless you. Amen.

Read Also: Prayers for Prosperity and Abundance [with Bible Verses]