14 Prayers That Can Move Mountains Tonight

Sometimes, it can be rough, so much that everything around you feels immovable. Irrespective of the things you engage or participate in, if you feel that life isn’t moving, then you have towering spiritual mountains surrounding you. God has good news for you—prayers can move these mountains. We will pray together prayers that can move mountains according to the promises of God.

You probably already know that prayer is a natural link of communication with God. Through it, we can obtain not just solace and strength but also unlock wisdom and God’s support to overcome. For every prayer, each is accompanied by biblical truths rooted on God’s promises. Of course, it’s often effective when we base our prayers on the promises and deeds of God meant to remind us of our place in God’s heart, and the benefits that come with it. Let’s get down to these prayers.

Prayers That Can Move Mountains

Young lady prays to move mountains

1. Faith Prayer that Moves Mountains

In Matthew 17:20, God did promise that ‘if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.’ So, why are you worried about the mountainous obstacles 8n your life when there is God? Let’s pray this prayer:


I come before you asking for a faith as strong as a mustard seed. Help me to trust in Your power, believe in the impossible, and move the mountains in my life in your name. Give my faith the strength to see beyond my circumstances.


This is Jesus’ own teaching guiding this prayer. Nothing is insurmountable when you call on God to intervene, no matter how little your faith.

2. A Prayer that Guides Us to Move Mountains

You’ll need a prayer that serves as a guide asking God to move these mountains in your life. If we go to the book of James 1:5, it tells us, ‘If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.’ He is always willing to show us the way. Let’s pray this prayer:

Heavenly Father,

I pray for your guidance. Make me wise when facing these mountains before me. Please, guide me in the path you set for me, grant me the wisdom, and show me the way to move my mountains. In Your name, I pray.


3. Prayer for Strength to Endure and Overcome

Of course, you need to be able to endure and overcome, which means you need spiritual strength in God. We will pray a prayer based on Isaiah 40:31 because it speaks of strength and endurance, which you will need in your communication with God.

Almighty God,

I pray you give me strength to face the mountains stopping me from making progress. According to Isaiah 40:31, ‘But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.’ This was your promise. Please, empower me with endurance, so I may overcome these obstacles.


4. Prayer Asking for Peace Amidst the Mountains

God of Peace,

I am in the midst of mountains that make things difficult for me. I pray that you grant me your peace. Allow your peace to go beyond all understanding. Guard my heart and mind and help me to be peaceful and calm throughout.


This prayer is a reference to Philippians 4:6-7, and it says, ‘Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.’

You have to acknowledge the anxiety and fear you face in life, and then this prayer will attract God’s peace for comfort.

5. Victory Prayer in Moving Mountains

You can claim victory over obstacles through faith in Jesus Christ. This is why you need prayer of a declaration of faith that, with God, all things are possible. This prayer, of course, includes moving insurmountable mountains to reach our goals. Let’s pray this prayer.

Dear God in Heaven,

I ask for victory over any mountain in my life. Doesn’t 1 Corinthians 15:57 say ‘but thanks be to God! He gives us victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.’? I claim this victory in God’s name. I believe that no mountain is too high for you to move.

Please, help me live in the victory won by Jesus and to see your hand moving mountains for me for I believe in your greatness.


6. Prayer for Healing to Move Mountains

Isn’t God a healer? He has done it time without number, so today, our prayer is to ask for his healing powers. His word in Jeremiah 17:14 says, ‘Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for You are my praise.’ Let’s pray:

Gracious Healer,

I come before you asking for healing. I pray for your healing power to mend what is broken, relieve pain, and dissolve any mountains of illness that stand before me. May your will be done, and your name be glorified through my healing.


God made promises of healing, as we’ve seen inJeremiah 17:14. With this sovereignty and the power to heal, you should appeal to Him in prayer. It doesn’t matter whether you seek physical, emotional, or spiritual healing because He can move all mountains.

7. Praying to God for Provision

Now, let’s pray focusing on God’s faithfulness to provide for our needs. This prayer is a call for trust in God’s abundant provision in the face of financial or resource-related difficulties.

Our Providing God,

I am in moments of need, so I turn to You with prayers to move mountains of unavailability. It is stated in Philippians 4:19, ‘And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in Christ Jesus.’

On this ground, I ask for provision to come  against the mountains of financial hardship, scarcity, or any form of lack in my life and that of my family. Please, supply all our needs from your abundance and teach us to believe in you.


8. Prayer for Wisdom in Decision Making

While offering prayers that can move mountains, it is also reasonable that we ask God for wisdom when making decisions. Sometimes, these decisions determine either positive or negative outcomes in our lives. As such, we want to be able to make quality decisions that won’t be a blockade to our developments. Let’s pray.

Wisdom-giving God,

I come before you asking for your wisdom in making decisions. In all honesty, I have decisions that currently feel like mountains before me. It’s decisive for me, and I need you to be a part for me to get a soft landing as an outcome.

Please, lead the way in my decisions and make my paths brighter. I also want to trust in your guidance above all else because you are the mightiest mover.


This prayer is in line with Proverbs 3:5-6:

‘Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.’

We really need divine wisdom in decision-making. Otherwise, we end up making our own guided decisions that are not well curated to bypass the mountains of difficulties in reality. God knows all, and is able to make the best decision for our sake.

9. Protection Prayer Against Spiritual Mountains

This prayer will ask God for his protection against spiritual adversities. In this prayer, we will acknowledge the unseen spiritual warfare. Of course, you need his divine armor to withstand circumstances designed to crush you and block your pathway. Let’s pray.

Dear God,

Again, I come before you because I face physical, emotional, and spiritual mountains that make my life seem like a joke. It is tiring for me as I need armorless in the midst of war. Father, remember your word in Ephesians 6:12—it reminds me that ‘our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.’

I hereby ask for your protection against these spiritual mountains. Wear me your heavenly armor that I may be guarded. Protect my heart and mind, and give me strength to stand firm in faith.


10. Overcoming Mountains of Division with Prayer

Let’s call on the transformative power of God’s love to overcome divisions within communities, families, and among nations in prayer. This will be a plea for God’s assistance to love as God loves, break down barriers and unite people. Let’s pray.

Dear God of Love,

This world where I belong is divided by misunderstanding, prejudice, and hate, and I am a victim. In your name, I call for your love to overcome these mountains. John 13:34 commands us, ‘A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.’

Please, help me and my family embody your love, and build bridges where walls have been erected. Help us also to see others through your unconditional love. Please, bring us together, and help us see that we are one in your greatness.


11. Prayer for Patience in Trials

Let’s offer prayer about embracing trials as a path to spiritual growth. Some of us are not yet spiritually mature, which explains the hurdles we come across serving God or just going on with our lives in God’s name. Sometimes, it’s a phase, and we need God to provide that heavenly patience to persevere out of these challenges. Let’s pray.

Lord of Compassion,

It’s a trying time for me, and I am certain that you are all I need right now to help me be patient and waiting on you. In this midst of trials, I pray for the virtue of patience. Please, grant me patience to endure. I want to overcome these trials in your name. Walk me through turbulence as opportunities for growth. I believe in your timing to attend peace, for joy comes in the morning.


For this prayer, we reference James 1:2-4:

‘Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything.’

Expect to persevere. All you really need right now is patience because there is light at the end of the tunnel. You need this patience so that you don’t end up doing anything ungodly that will take away the grace at the end.

12. Asking God for Unity in the Community in Prayer

Pray this prayer:

You Are God of Peace,

My world is fractured by discord and division. I have seen Ephesians 4:3 urging us to ‘make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.’ I can’t do this alone, so I pray to you for unity in our communities. Help us oh God to work together in harmony. Help us also to overlook our differences, and seek common ground, respect one another, and promote peace. I believe that only when your love leads our actions shall we find unity. Therefore, I call on you to take over, in Jesus name.


This is a prayer of intervention in healing divisions within communities. With this, you are advocating for peace, respect, and mutual understanding as a foundation. A lot of people undermine unity, and think they can just get things done amidst divisions. No, where there is unity, there is power to accomplish things positively, and even move mountains when we look upon God.

13. Forgiveness and Reconciliation Prayer

Say this prayer in the encouragement of Colossians 3:13:

Merciful God,

I see myself in the shadow of my own failure and the hurt caused by others. I simply ask for the strength of forgiveness of what others may have caused to me. In Colossians 3:13, your word encourages us to ‘bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.’ I need your help to forgive.

Help me to release this bitterness, even though I may not be conscious of it. I also ask for forgiveness for my transgressions, and chase after reconciliation with a generous heart. Help me, oh Lord. In Jesus name.


14. Prayer for the Joy of the Lord in All Circumstances

In the morning comes joy, and you are a God of joy. This is my humble prayer asking you for the deep, abiding joy that comes from my faith in you. I want this to be my source of strength and a witness of your enduring love, even in difficult times. Let’s pray.

Joyful God,

Even in the midst of trials, I know you will give me the joy that comes from you alone. This is because Nehemiah 8:10 declares, ‘The joy of the Lord is your strength.’ It is true, isn’t it? Then I pray for the ability to find joy as I come into your presence. Don’t look down on me and my circumstances, please Father. Let this joy be my strength, a testament to your love as well as of hope to others who believe in you.



Make sure you align your needs to God’s word, and be of your best behavior. He cares, as long as we discover how much he loves us, we can say to mountains, ‘Move!’ And such mountains will move, creating a way to go after our objectives in life, which also includes serving God.