Prayer for Someone Who Lost Their Mother [with Bible Verse]

A mother is an unparallel human, and as such, gets painful when one is lost. But a simple prayer for someone who lost their mother could be all it takes to console the unfillable void that leaves one with a profound sense of loss. It doesn’t even matter what age or stage of life we are in when it happens.

During this tough time, words often fail us and all we can cling to is prayer – a powerful bridge connecting our hearts with the comforting presence of the divine.

We have compiled some thoughtful and powerful prayers you can offer to God for yourself or someone else who is mourning the loss of their mother.

Prayer for someone who lost their mother

Prayer for Someone Who Lost Their Mother

1. Prayer for Comfort

Let us begin with a prayer for comfort, inspired by Psalm 23, “The Lord is my Shepherd”:

Dear Lord, You are our Shepherd, guiding us through every valley and mountain of life. Today, I/we lift up my/our heart/s in pain, mourning the loss of my/our dear mother.

The pain feels overwhelming, like walking through the darkest valley. But I/we take comfort in Your promise, Lord, that You are with me/us, Your rod and Your staff bring comfort. Please surround me/us with Your peace, cradle me/us in Your love, and lead me/us to still waters.


Bible verse: Psalm 23

2. Prayer for Strength

Losing a mother can leave one feeling weak and helpless. A prayer for strength, based on Isaiah 40:29, can offer much-needed encouragement.

Heavenly Father, Your Word tells us that You give strength to the weary and increase the power of the weak. Lord, today, I/we feel drained, the sorrow of losing my/our mother seems too heavy to bear.

Please give me/us the strength I/we need to get through each day. Let me/us lean on Your everlasting arms and draw strength from Your unfathomable power. Carry me/us when I am/we are too weak to move forward.


3. Prayer for Healing

The path of grief is long and arduous, but healing can and will come with time and prayer. Here’s a prayer based on Jeremiah 17:14:

Oh God, my/our Healer, hear my/our cry today. The departure of my/our dear mother has left a deep wound in my/our heart/s. I/We call upon You because Your Word assures me/us, “Heal me, O Lord, and I shall be healed; save me, and I shall be saved, for you are my praise.”

Please heal my/our broken heart/s, Lord. Let Your love seep into the cracks left by this loss, mending me/us and making me/us whole again.


4. Prayer for Hope

Losing a mother can make the world seem bleak and devoid of hope. A prayer for someone who lost their mother based on Romans 15:13 can infuse hope back into one’s life.

Loving Father, Your Word tells me/us that You are the God of hope. In the midst of my/our grief and despair over the loss of my/our mother, it can feel difficult to see any light.

I/We pray, Lord, that You would fill me/us with all joy and peace as I/we trust in You, so that I/we may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me/us to remember that while my/our mother is no longer with me/us, she is in

Your presence, experiencing a peace and joy beyond understanding. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for my/our soul.


5. Prayer for Others

Lastly, pray for others affected by this loss. The following prayer for someone who lost their mother, inspired by Philippians 2:4, encourages empathy and support.

Dear Lord, as I/we mourn the loss of my/our beloved mother, let me/us also bear in mind the sorrow of others who loved her.

Guide me/us to look not only to my/our own interests, but also to the interests of others. Give me/us the grace and wisdom to comfort my/our family members and friends who are grieving this loss. Teach me/us to mourn together, support each other, and ultimately to find comfort and healing in You.


6. Prayer for Acceptance

One of the most challenging aspects of loss is acceptance. A prayer inspired by the Serenity Prayer can help.

Dear God, grant me/us the serenity to accept the things I/we cannot change; courage to change the things I can/we can; and wisdom to know the difference. I/We struggle to accept the loss of my/our dear mother, and it hurts deeply. Help me/us to accept this new reality, while cherishing the memories and love she left behind.


7. Prayer for Gratitude

Even in sorrow, we can find space for gratitude. The following prayer, inspired by 1 Thessalonians 5:18, encourages thankfulness.

Gracious God, You instruct us to give thanks in all circumstances. Today, as I/we mourn the loss of my/our mother, I/we choose to thank You for the precious time You gave us with her. Thank You for the love she gave, the lessons she taught, and the legacy she leaves behind. Help me/us to remember her with gratitude, honoring her memory by living out the values she instilled in me/us.


8. Prayer for Faith

Keeping faith in times of loss can be difficult. Here’s a prayer for faith, based on Hebrews 11:1.

Lord, You tell us that faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.

As I/we grieve my/our mother’s loss, help me/us to keep faith in You. Let me/us trust in Your promise of eternal life, and believe that my/our mother is in a better place, free from pain and sorrow. May my/our faith remain unshaken during this testing time.


9. Prayer for Guidance

It’s easy to feel lost after the loss of a mother. A prayer for guidance, inspired by Psalm 32:8, can offer reassurance.

Dear Lord, I/We feel lost without my/our mother’s guidance. You promise in Your Word, “I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you.” I/We pray for Your guidance and wisdom to navigate life without her physical presence. Lead me/us on the path You have laid out for me/us.


10. Prayer for Patience

Grief takes time, and it’s different for everyone. This prayer, based on Romans 12:12, asks for patience.

God of endurance and encouragement, teach me/us to be patient in affliction and faithful in prayer, as my/our mother has passed away.

I/We understand that grieving is a process and healing will take time. Help me/us to be patient with myself/ourselves and others, remembering that You are working in ways I/we may not see or understand.


11. Prayer for Love

During grieving periods, we can forget to express love. This prayer, based on 1 Corinthians 13:7, seeks to rectify that.

Heavenly Father, teach me/us to love as You love. Even in the midst of my/our grief over the loss of my/our dear mother, remind me/us to bear all things, believe all things, hope all things, endure all things. Help me/us express my/our love to those around me/us and continue to share the love my/our mother so freely gave to me/us.


12. Prayer for Trust

Trust in God’s plan is vital in times of loss. Here’s a prayer for trust, inspired by Proverbs 3:5-6.

Father, Your Word instructs me/us to trust in the Lord with all my/our heart and lean not on my/our own understanding. As I/we grieve my/our mother’s departure, it is hard to understand Your plan. But I/we commit to trust in Your sovereign will.

Guide me/us in all ways, Lord, and make my/our path straight.


13. Prayer for Peace

Finding peace in times of grief can be challenging. This prayer, inspired by Philippians 4:7, invites God’s peace into your life.

Lord, Your peace surpasses all understanding. As I/we mourn the loss of my/our dear mother, I/we pray for this peace to guard my/our heart/s and mind/s. Let it soothe my/our grief and calm my/our anxieties.

May Your divine tranquility fill my/our life/lives.


14. Prayer for Memories

Cherishing good memories can be a comforting balm for grief. Here’s a prayer for someone who lost their mother for that, based on Ecclesiastes 3:1-8.

Loving God, You tell us in Your Word that there is a time for everything, a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance.

As I/we mourn the loss of my/our beloved mother, help me/us also to celebrate her life. Let the good memories of her fill my/our mind/s and bring a smile to my/our face/s.


15. Prayer for a Release of Guilt

Sometimes we can carry guilt after a loved one’s death. This prayer, inspired by Romans 8:1, is for those moments.

Merciful Father, You assure me/us in Your Word that there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. If I/we carry any guilt or regret related to my/our mother’s death, I/we lay it at Your feet now.

Remind me/us that Your forgiveness is complete and Your love unconditional. Help me/us to forgive myself/ourselves and to live in the freedom of Your grace.


16. Prayer for Joy

Even in times of grief, we can find moments of joy. Here’s a prayer inspired by Psalm 30:5.

God of all comfort, Your Word reminds me/us that weeping may stay for the night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. As I/we grieve the loss of my/our mother, help me/us also to find joy. May I/we discover joy in Your presence, joy in the memories of my/our mother, and joy in the love that still connects us.


17. Prayer for Rest

During periods of mourning, it’s important to find rest. Here’s a prayer for rest, based on Matthew 11:28-30.

Dear Lord,

You invite all who are weary and burdened to come to You for rest.

As I/we navigate through the grief of losing my/our mother, I/we feel weary indeed.

Please grant me/us Your divine rest, Lord. Lighten my/our burden, ease my/our sorrow, and renew my/our strength.


What do you say to someone who lost their mother?

I want to express my heartfelt condolences for your loss. The pain of losing a mother is beyond what words can describe, but please remember you’re not alone during this difficult time.

Your mother was significant, and her influence is something that will remain, even though she is physically gone. The Bible in Proverbs 31:28-29 speaks of the value of a good mother: “Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: ‘Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.'” Your mother’s love, guidance, and wisdom are treasures that will always be with you.

It’s okay to feel a deep sense of loss and sorrow. These are natural reactions when we lose someone we love deeply.

The Bible recognizes this pain; in Psalm 34:18, it says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” During this challenging period, let your tears flow, for in them lies healing.

Take solace in the love of God, and allow His peace to fill your heart. You may not understand why this happened now, but in time, with faith, you will find acceptance and peace.

Remember, your mother’s love for you does not end with her passing. It’s a love that transcends time and space. Treasure that love, let it guide you through these hard times, and remind you that she would want you to heal, grow, and continue on with your journey.

Short prayer for loss of mother

Short prayer for loss of mother

“Dear Heavenly Father,

Today, I come before you with a heavy heart, grieving the loss of my beloved mother. She was a source of comfort, wisdom, and unconditional love. Her absence leaves a void that feels impossible to fill.

Father, I take comfort in your promises as declared in Revelation 21:4, “He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’ or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” I pray, Lord, that you wipe away the tears from our eyes and comfort our grieving hearts.

In the quiet moments when the hurt is hard to bear, may your love wrap around us and hold us up. Your word in Psalm 34:18 says, “The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Father, I ask that you draw near to us during this time. May we feel your presence and find strength in your promises.

God, in your infinite wisdom, you teach us in Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens: a time to be born and a time to die… a time to mourn and a time to dance.” While we mourn now, I know that, in time, we will dance again. I ask for your grace to guide us through this season of mourning.

And finally, Lord, I pray that you grant us the courage and the faith to let go, not to forget, but to find peace. As the scripture says in Philippians 4:7, “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.”

Just before you go, our fellow industry expert, Marie Forleo, shares some tips on what to say to someone who just lost a loved one such as a mom.

Read also: Powerful Prayer to Cancel Evil Plan of the Enemy